Explore the world in front of you


“You don’t have to live forever you just have to live”

― Natalie Babbitt

Upcoming Events

Costa Rica
San Jose

Headed to Heredia for 14 days. super excited can't wait to see the culture, taste the food and definitely enjoy the people . After my quarantine haha

Spending the week in beautiful Monteverde. the stay will be sweet & short, but being one with nature and enjoying the scenery will make it all better.


Explore your World

Follow me in this journey to exploring the world in front of us. I am new to blogging but so what. 

I am young and everything is new to me. This blog is just the Journey that I am leading towards something that isn’t planned for, but it’s also something to document my growth in the years to come both in experience and in wealth. 

This is an Adventure we are here so why not make the best of it 


Upcoming projects & destination