Corona Time (Quarantine workouts)


Stuck at home, well no worries there’s always something to do to get the body moving. Yes it sucks there is no gym so you make be thinking no gains or so you think.

During this time why not try calisthenics. With no way to the gym and no home gym (I wish I had one) we have to look for other methods to keeping our gains and  still progressing towards our goal.

There is a misconception that you can’t gain weight and size with calisthenics and frankly that’s wrong. It is just harder but not impossible, you need to think outside the box to always change the work out to tailor to you. Sometimes doing 10 push ups is hard when you have a whole person/water case/ etc anything you can find to progressively overload yourself.

What is calisthenics?

Calisthenics Is the name given to repetitive exercises that use the resistance of your own body to build strength, increase flexibility and burn fat. 

What’s beautiful about calisthenics is there is no equipment or weights needed to start off, and it can be performed anywhere there is a floor and enough space to move in.

Calisthenics is different for everyone what gets you sweating and pushing yourself is different for everyone for the most part. Here i have 3 different exercises that i started out with and using them as a base i progressed while changing them up for my specific body or strength goals

Use the work outs as a base but fix them up to tailor your fitness level. If your new select between 3 to 6 other exercises. Don’t forget to stretch and warm up properly before the work outs. 

Work out A
5 sets of 10-15

1. Jumping Jacks to Squats 
2. Assisted Pistol Squats 
3. Bulgarian split squats
4. Push up
5. Sit up
6. Mountain climbers
7. Jumping Squats   
8. Forward Lunges each leg 20
9. Calf raises 15 slow count up 1…2…3 then down
10. Invisible Chair Squat Hold – 30 seconds
Rest 1 min
Then repeat do them as fast as you can but focus on form more

working out

Work out B 
5 sets of 20-30

1. Bulgarian split squats 
2. Russian twist
3. Decline push up
4. Jumping Jacks to Squats
5. Pike push up
6. Sit up
7. Jump lunges
8. Dips
9. Plank superman
High tempo finisher after sets are done
20 X Jump squats 
20 X Push up
20 X Leg raise
20 X Dips
20 X High Knees
20 X Jump squats 
20 X Push up
20 X Leg raise
20 X Dips
20 X High Knees

Work out C
5 sets of 10-15

1. Pike push up
2. Mountain climbers
3. Leg raises
4. Burpees 
5. Dips 
6. Push up -20
7. V up
8. Super man 20 slow count up 1…2…3 then down
9. Jump squats
10. 30 sec planks on each side
Rest 1 min
Then repeat do them as fast as you can but focus on form more.

Let me know how the work out goes for you, but just like going to the gym. Your diet is the most important so eat healthy, try to not stress and keep a decent sleep schedule and you’ll see the results.

This isn’t easy but what is?