
Training for the long haul

My training Journey

Started training multiple times on and off and never got the results I wanted. But on deployment as a way to deal with stress and have the physique I wanted for when I came home. After a month of working out I saw improvements and felt better focused and happy that I was going the right direction. 

The big new breakthrough wasn’t really the gym (it was home for a while haha) but it was what i was putting in my body. The food and the consistency of eating right put me on a whole new level. I was pushing heavier, had more energy, slept better and had consistent progress 



Success is the sum of small efforts—repeated day-in and day-out.” —Robert Collier

Sleep 10% Diet 80% Working out 10%

I just followed this simple road map and repeated it day in and out and just saw the progress compound.

working out


Personal Training

Currently on a Quarantine regiment. struggling to keep all the strength and gains so switching up to losing weight and trying to lean out


These have been my go to for the past 2 months surprisingly still dying but getting the pump I need.

Try it with me and let me know how its going for you. 

“To Lose Weight, Eating Less Is Far More Important Than Exercising More”



Diet & Nutrition


