Hello world!

Hello World

This is my first real post on here and today seems like just one of those days. You know, those days where you find things to do to advance just Half a step into the right directions. I think I’m getting a little frustrated with everything especially myself. I’ve been trying to do so much, Spreading myself thin trying to learn too much that I become lost in the process. Moving away from the path that best fits me.

I want to be excited again.

I want that excitement again the feeling when your talking about your passion that you subconsciously start speaking faster.

That feeling of excitement was replaced with that fear of reality. Sadly I thought it best to put my head down and go thru with the 9-5 route but something inside me just keeps nagging me on why can’t I have both. Fun when I’m young and security when I’m older, thats brought me to the intersection I am at today.

Excited excitement

I felt free for the first time in years when I finally picked up the book POWER OF HABITS and it made me realize some of the things I’ve been doing wrong. and that snowballed into changing my minor habits of eating to major ones money. no more spending money on useless things that I could do without but more into saving for what I couldn’t do without.

  • Traveling
  • Education

Those two seemed so small but sometimes focusing on the simplest aspect of your dream drive you to greatness.

  1. I wanted to see the world for its Beaty, to see the different cultures, try out the food party and laugh with strangers make my life the movie I want it to be. Just to live and experience at least a fraction of someone else view points.
  2. Education and not the education you find handed to you in traditional school, but the education that makes you see the different layers of society. I wanted to stop being lead and to look up and lead myself.

With those two core goals in mind I started this blog to push myself into the fire and be who I’ve wanted to be for a long time. As I educate myself on how to become financially free and traveling and immersing myself In the different cultures and exciting new experiences.

I don’t want to choose to enjoy my youth traveling and pay for it when I’m older, but at the same time I don’t want to overwork myself in the years that I’m young and retire old and bitter for the opportunities I skipped out on.