Moving in Silence

moving in silence

Learning to cut people off./Learning to worry about your own problems./Learning that not everyone looks at life like you do. 

Core understanding on forging your own path.

Some people look at life a little differently than you as you can see the game that is played. You can slowly carve out your path to happiness but sometimes the people closest to you can’t uncover the wool that is metaphorically placed on their heads. 

They get sucked into the cycle over and over again and yes i think that life is complex but also if you keep it simple it will get better. I don’t think the secret to a happy life is hidden. People draw different hands throughout their life and starting points can be better and worse but that’s just it it’s just a start not the end. 

If you discipline yourself and you are true to yourself you can find freedom and happiness without being financially rich. If people lived below their means and learned to buy stuff they want when they can most  wouldn’t be dying to stay ahead of their bills. 

My biggest lessons are my parents. I love them but they make me angry so angry that it makes me question the sacrifices I had made for my family. But after years of hearing and thinking I understood the quote to mind your own business it finally clicked one day when i realized no matter how many times i sit a person down and teach/ explain to the the endless bill cycle that.

Staring at my life and seeing my surrounding i find it best to live in the limbo of knowing there is nothing much i can change in certain situation and that i should be thankful it’s not worse, but knowing the only impactful change i can make is in myself to change my view point to think ahead in hours, days, months, and years. I plan to enjoy the little things in my life but I also see where I want to go in the future to enjoy those big moments that require the sacrifice of some of these small moments. I have revamped my life into a more manageable spreadsheet where i don’t plan to collect for the next 10 years i just want to build. And i plan on staying happy and optimistic throughout the journey. 

This isn’t easy but what is?